Promoting Commercial Green Livelihood Means - Kyaka II Refugee Settlement
This project is aimed at creating income generating activities for refugees and host communities to eradicate poverty and improve on the standards of living amongst them
Year 2019 was an adversary for very many people but more especially those in developing countries and worse of it, the refugees were highly affected. Limited access to finances, and other necessities increases cases of SGBVs, criminality and deaths for the last 3 years
After the pandemic in 2021, LIVE IN GREEN started the efforts to support marginalized and disadvantageous households in Kyaka II Refugee settlement to promote resilience and transformation through creation and strengthening sources of incomes within the settlement
With little support from UNHCR and OPM, LIVE IN GREEN sensitized and mobilized community to embrace and join (in groups) income generating platforms to thrive.
They’re 22 groups (at least 25 members each) well established and categorized under;- Fish Farmers, Poultry keepers, Orchard farmers, Handcrafters, Market vendors and Beekeepers
These groups are trained and supported with specific inputs to establish their livelihood mean