Promote easy access to clean and efficient energy - Kyaka II Refugee Settlement
The main aim for this Project is to Promote energy availability at household levels to reduce the anthropogenic impact on environment as well as eradicating risks that arise from limited energy sources
Refugees and Hosts more especially women and children in Kyaka II refugee settlement tends to walk long distances of above 15km in search for fuelwood more so inside the forest of army barracks- kabamba. This puts them at high risk of fatigue, sexual assaults, school dropouts, etc. In times of no firewood, families resort on using plastics and polytubes which exposes them at high risk of indoor pollution
The consumption of fuelwood is very high due to above 95% of the population still using poor energy technologies like 3-stone stoves thus increases the rate of biodiversity loss in the area
LIVE IN GREEN, We train and empower communities in construction and use of energy saving cook stoves to help in reducing on the number of trees cut down for firewood. Communities are empowered to produce these energy saving stoves to eradicate the use of high fuel consuming and CO2 emission tradition stoves like the 3-stone stove
LIVE IN GREEN also trains and empower communities to produce local briquettes that are efficient and clean. LIVE IN GREEN has taken on a program of briquettes production from dry organic waste materials as an alternative to charcoal to reduce tree cutting for charcoal production. Energy is key for human survival, controlling cutting trees to produce charcoal for energy becomes also most impossible without an alternative source of energy. Therefore, making briquettes from organic dried waste material is an alternative to producing charcoal without tempering with trees. Farmers obtain a lot of crop residues which they end up burning as they clear their gardens for next planting season. Giving these residues another value, is an alternative benefit to farmers who find it very profitable since the demand for charcoal by urban population is high. Briquette production is therefore championed as an Income Generating Activity especially for youth and women since the raw materials are totally free and can easily be accessed.
This project was started in 2022 with support from UNHCR, OPM, JESE. A lot of achievements have been registered where by 34935 people were sensitized and mobilized, 5800 households trained , 6030 energy stoves produced, 32tons of local briquettes produced, 28.5ha of land restored with woodlots